LIVE-AR seminar series 2024/2025

« Activists pathways and political crisis » seminars

During the 2010s, Arab societies witnessed popular uprisings on an unprecedented scale. These movements succeeded in bringing together people from all walks of life: long-standing activists and first-time protesters, from wealthy and precarious communities, students and workers, young and old… women and men who were previously ‘voiceless’ (Spivak, 2003) and who then became revolutionaries. Often described as apolitical, they all marched with hope of a profound change. However, a decade later, a strong sense of disillusionment has set in across the region. Wars, failed political transitions and authoritarian takeovers seem to have buried the revolutionary projects. The ERC LIVE-AR studies the ‘afterlives’ (Filleule et al., 2018; Ross, 2005) of these revolutionaries in four countries of the region: Syria, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco. While some of them continue to defend the revolutionary cause, investing themselves in new areas of commitment, others have abandoned all forms of activism to concentrate on other spheres of their lives. The medium- and long-term consequences of their participation in the uprisings remain an open question.

Relying on the comparative work already initiated as part of the project, the LIVE-AR team wishes to extend the debate to other geographical areas, historical timeframes and survey methods. In this context, the “Activists’ pathways and political crises” seminar series aims to provide a forum for monthly exchanges on how political crisis – whether revolutionary situations, civil wars or post-conflict situations – shape biographical trajectories and activist careers. Building on a growing scholarship that focuses on the microsociological level and on the ‘biographical consequences of commitment’ (McAdam, 1989; Giugni, 2013; Giugni and Grasso, 2016; Pagis, 2014; Fillieule et al, 2018; Passy and Monsch, 2019), we will be bringing together various disciplinary approaches (anthropology, sociology and political science) and invite researchers working on different countries (France, Turkey, Egypt, Ukraine, Syria, Caucasus, Jordan and Lebanon) and political contexts. The aim is to establish a dialogue between diverse approaches to biographical trajectories, through the prism of gender studies, the political sociology of emotions, the processes of commitment and disengagement, and the reconfiguration of relations to politics. Particular attention will be paid to methodological issues, both in terms of data collection and methods of analysis.

next seminars

03/12/24: Youssef El Chazli (Université Paris 8 / Universidad de los Andes). « L’imaginaire néolibéral dans la révolution égyptienne : engagement militant et développement personnel après 2011 ». Zoom videoconference, from 16h to 18h. In French

14/01/25: Coline Maestracci (IRSEM). « Engagement armé et reconfiguration des trajectoires dans l’Ukraine en guerre (2014-2022) ». Salle de réunion du Ceped (Université Paris Cité) and zoom videoconference, from 14h to 16h. In French

04/02/25: Charlotte al-Khalili (University of Sussex). « Devenir révolutionnaire en Syrie : une dynamique spatiale entre ‘intérieurs’ et ‘extérieurs’ ». Zoom videoconference, from 14h to 16h. In French

11/03/25: Aude Merlin (Université libre de Bruxelles). Title to be defined. Salle de réunion du Ceped (Université Paris Cité) and zoom videoconference, from 14h to 16h. In French

01/04/25: Jillian Schwedler (City University of New York). « Activist Challenges in Jordan ». Zoom videoconference, from 16h to 18h. In English

06/05/25: Floriane Soulié-Caraguel (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne / CESSP). « Des perdantes magnifiques. Désajustements, déclassements et malheurs d’ex-miliciennes engagées dans la guerre du Liban ». Zoom videoconference, from 14h to 16h. In French

Organisation committee:
Laura Ruiz De Elvira, Caroline Barbary, Lina Benchekor, Victor Dupont, Léo Fourn, Chaymaa Hassabo, Arbia Selmi, and Christoph Schwarz

Past seminars