Chaymaa Hassabo

Post-doctoral researcher

Chaymaa Hassabo is a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC StG project LIVE-AR (The subsequent lives of Arab revolutionaries) hosted by the CEPED (French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development). She is a political scientist, and her doctoral work focused on the transformations of the Egyptian authoritarian regime and the impact of protest movements on its stability. Since then, she has extensively worked on political engagement, trajectories of activists, and revolutionary processes. Her current research explores the afterlives of Egyptian revolutionaries and the biographical consequences of activism.


  • Chaymaa Hassabo et Laura Ruiz de Elvira (2025). The ambivalent ’emotional legacies’ of the 2011 Egyptian and Syrian revolutions. Mediterranean Politics, 1–21. (
  • « Les dénouements des situations révolutionnaires. Repenser ensemble les révolutions et les changements de régime à partir des cas de la Tunisie et de l’Egypte (2010-2014) », with Choukri Hmed, in Mondes arabes. Revues des sciences sociales du politique, 2022, n°1, p.97-117.
  • « Coalitions for change in Egypt: Bridging Ideological and Generational Divides in the Revolution », Mediterranean Politics, 2019, no.4, 491-511.
  • « Together, but divided: A Study of the Different Trajectories of a Generation of Egyptian Political Activists (from 2005 to the Revolution) », in Mark Ayyash and Ratiba Hadj-Moussa (eds.), Generations and Protests: Legacies and Emergences in MENA and the Mediterranean, Leiden, Brill, 2017.
  • « L’événement en révolution, autour des cas égyptien et syrien ? », with Matthieu Rey, in Revue des mondes méditerranées et musulmans, n°138, 2015-2, p.29-46.
  • « Socio-histoire d’un processus révolutionnaire. Analyse de la “configuration contestataire” égyptienne (2003 – 2011) », with Youssef El-Chazli, in Amin Allal et Thomas Pierret (eds.), Au cœur des révoltes arabes. Devenir révolutionnaires, Paris, Armand Colin, 2013.