Christoph Schwarz
Associate Researcher
Christoph Schwarz is an assistant professor at the University of Innsbruck, Austria (Faculty of Education, Department of Psychosocial Intervention and Communication Studies, Research Area Conflict – Trauma – Violence). After his doctorate in sociology at Goethe University Frankfurt/Main he held several positions as a Post-Doc and visiting researcher at the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Marburg, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt/Main, and the Center for Islamic Theology at the University of Münster. His research interests include social movements/protest movements, life stories and biographies, youth and intergenerational dynamics, collective memory, migration, with a regional focus on North Africa/West Asia, Europe, and the spaces in between.
Selected peer reviewed articles
- Schwarz, Christoph H. (2024): Familie, Bildung und Gender. In: Jörg Gertel, David Kreuer und Friederike Stolleis (Hg.): Die enteignete Generation. Jugend im Nahen Osten und in Nordafrika. 1. Auflage. Bonn: Dietz, J H, S. 233–263.
- Schwarz, Christoph H. (2024): Youth Activism in 21st Century North Africa. In: Thomas T. Spear (Hg.): Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- C. Schwarz, Collective memory and intergenerational transmission in social movements: The “grandparents’ movement” iaioflautas, the indignados protests, and the Spanish transition. In Memory Studies 15 (1), 2022, pp. 102-119. DOI: 10.1177/1750698019856058
- C. Schwarz, « Hirak du Rif : marginalisation, mémoire, mouvance. » Les Cahiers d’EMAM. Études sur le Monde Arabe et la Méditerranée 2022 (34). DOI: 10.4000/emam.4484.
- C. Schwarz, Biographical Perspectives on Political Agency and Migration: The Struggle of Workers from the Maghreb against Institutional Discrimination in France’s National Railroad Company SNCF. In: European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology. 8 (4), 2021, pp. 470-492, Co-authors: Elise Pape, Moustapha El-Hamdani. DOI: 10.1080/23254823.2021.1960877
- C. Schwarz, Political Socialization and Intergenerational Transmission: Life Stories of Young Social Movement Activists in Morocco. In Journal of North African Studies 26 (1), 2021, pp. 206-230, DOI: 10.1080/13629387.2019.1665277
- C. Schwarz, The Role of Social Movements in the Re-Configuration of Youth Transition Regimes: The Biography of an Unemployed Graduates Activist in Morocco. In: Rachid Ouaissa, Friederike Pannewick und Alena Strohmaier (Ed.): Re-Configurations. Contextualising Transformation Processes and Lasting Crises in the Middle East and North Africa. Wiesbaden 2021: Springer VS (Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen Ostens), pp. 185–202.
- C. Schwarz (with Annika Oettler, ed.), YOUTH. META (Middle East – Topics & Arguments, peer reviewed, open access). Vol. 9/2016. Co-editor: Anika Oettler
- C. Schwarz, Intergenerational transmission of trajectory experiences. Researching the younger generations’ strategies of reinterpretation. Co-author: Sarra Chaieb. In: Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung (ZQF), Special Issue: “Socialization, family and gender in the context of migration”, 15., 1-2/2014, pp. 57-77. DOI: 10.3224/zqf.v14i1-2.21327