Laura Ruiz de Elvira

principal investigator

Dr. Laura Ruiz de Elvira is a tenured research fellow at the French Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), based at the Ceped center. She is a political sociologist and her research interests focus on collective action, doing-good practices and social policies, and authoritarianism and revolutionary processes, namely in Syria and Tunisia. Since September 2022 she is the PI of the ERC StG project « The subsequent lives of Arab revolutionaries » (LIVE-AR).


Books :

  • Charities and Politics in Bashar al-Asad’s Syria, Edinburgh University Press, 2024
  • Vers la fin du contrat social en Syrie. Associations de bienfaisance et redéploiement de l’Etat (2000-2011), Karthala, 2019
  • (with T. Zintl) Civil Society and the State in Syria: The Outsourcing of Social Responsibility, Lynne Rienner, 2012

    Edited volumes:

    • (with S. Saeidnia, eds.) Les mondes de la bien-faisance. Les pratiques du bien au prisme des sciences sociales, CNRS Editions, Paris, 2021
    • (with I. Weipert and C. Schwarz, eds.) Networks of Dependency. Re-configurations of clientelism, patronage, and corruption in the Middle East and North Africa, Routledge, 2018

      Special issues :

      • (with T. Boissière, eds.) « Le quotidien économique dans le Moyen-Orient en guerre », Critique Internationale, n° 80, 2018 :
      • (with E. Longuenesse, eds.) « La société syrienne : entre résilience et fragmentation », Confluences Méditerranée, n°99-4, décembre 2016.

        Selected papers in major peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes :