Maria Nicola Stragapede

Associate Researcher

Maria Nicola Stragapede is currently a PhD candidate in Political Science and Sociology at the Scuola Normale Superiore (Florence, Italy) and member of the Center of Social Movement Studies (COSMOS). Her research interests include the study of subjective political formation and transformations in authoritarian contexts and during revolts and revolutions – with a special interest in the North-African space and its spaces of exile – the history of the transnational Left and the emotional legacies among generations of militants. She is currently working on the meanings of exile and political trajectories of Tunisian militants, focussing mostly in France and partially in Italy and Germany. She holds an MPhil in the Sociology of Culture from the University of Cambridge, financed by an ESRC scholarship, where she completed her thesis on the Manich Msamah campaign in Tunisia.


  • «I was in exile before leaving the country». Tunisia and the Feminist Continuities of Activism. SocietàMutamentoPolitica, 15(29), pp. 123–133.