Victor Dupont
PhD candidate

Victor Dupont – PhD candidate in political science at Aix-Marseille University / IREMAM and member of the LIVE-AR ERC project.
Victor Dupont is a PhD candidate in political science at the Institute of Research and Study on the Arab and Islamic Worlds (IREMAM, Aix-Marseille University). He graduated from Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence in 2022 with a master degree in “Political dynamics and transformations of societies: Arab and Mediterranean worlds”. Besides his training in political science, he studied Arabic language at the French Institute in Cairo (DEAC) and at Aix-Marseille University (LLCER). In 2020, Victor Dupont got a scholarship from the ministry of Higher Education to study Arabic language at the Institute for Research on the Contemporary Maghreb (IRMC) and at the University of Manouba in Tunis. As part of the LIVE-AR project, Victor Dupont is preparing a doctoral thesis, under the co-direction of Amin Allal and Éric Gobe, on the politicization following the revolutionary process of young unemployed graduates in Tunisia.
Un Parlement en sursis ? Analyse de la condition parlementaire en temps de crise : les députés tunisiens sous la présidence de Kaïs Saïed, mémoire de recherche de Master 2, sous la co-direction d’Amin Allal et de Vincent Geisser, Sciences Po Aix, 2022.